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Building Materials:
A Cornerstone of Sustainability
The impact of building materials on sustainability 
By 2050, more than two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities, compared to just over half today. Many large cities share a common problem, however: a lack of housing.

Some of the world’s biggest and most wealthy cities suffer from a lack of suitable housing stock at a time when an unprecedented number of people are transitioning from rural to urban life.
This shortage will present a significant challenge for the construction sector - how best to manage growing demand in a time of rising regulatory and public pressure to achieve sustainability and reduce carbon emissions.

However, in every challenge, there is opportunity. There is vast potential for the sector to not only profit from the expected construction boom but to solve long-standing issues associated with community health and climate change through the use of green building materials.

Cities will need to adapt to become more efficient, cleaner, healthier and self-sufficient. Green building materials is an essential component to this process.

To find out more, read our latest whitepaper, ‘Building Materials: A Cornerstone of Sustainability' by filling out the form on the right.

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